W E L C O M E T O E L E M E N T A L S - we provide a range of natural therapies to keep your horse in optimum health.
Sydney, West to Nepean River, Penrith, Clarendon, Box Hill, Maraylya
North West Sydney, Glenorie, Dural, Arcadia, Galston, South, Helensburgh, Darkes Forest, South West Sydney, Bringelly, Badgery's Creek, Silverdale, Wollondilly Shire, Camden, Southern Highlands, South Coast to Kiama/Berry, Sydney NSW Australia
0419 003 530
Horse Trainers & Riding Instructors
Professional Trainers and Riding Instructors I have personal experience with and am happy to recommend

Christan Trainor
Trainor Eventing
PH: 0459 210 581
Based in Avoca in the Southern Highlands of NSW, Christan Trainor is a top level rider and a skilled horsewoman. She is a professional rider and trainer in Eventing and Dressage. She is commiitted to producing the best of horses from breeding (Glenhill Sporthorses), through starting, training and competing
Visit Christan on her Website or Facebook

Parbery Performance Horses
PH: 0412 965 139
Based in Penrose in the Southern Highlands of NSW, Parbery Performance Horses is the home of Brett & Mel Parbery.
They offer training and instruction and both are FEI level riders and available for individual lessons or clinics.

Lucas Hurps
Windemere Performance Horses
PH: 0410 407973
Based in Cattai and covering the North West, Hawkesbury and Northern beaches areas of Sydney NSW. Lucas is a fabulous Dressage Instructor who has early training with Klaus Balkenhol
Ring, text or Email Lucas for more information.

Jose Mendez
Mendez Equestrian Centre
PH: (02) 4841 0069
Based in Tallong, NSW, Jose` Mendez is International Dressage Coach. Jose travel all over the world teaching Classical Dressage and is available for Clincs and Individual Lessons
Email: mendezeqcentre@bigpond.com.au
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mendezequestrian

Trisha Wren
Connected Riding Instructor
Based in New Zealand Trisha travels to Australia several times a year to hold Connected Riding Clinics and Individual lessons.
Trisha teaches biomechanics and body awareness to both horse and rider, across all disciplines and levels of experience. Body work and in hand exercises to release tension and promote balance and self carriage, and ridden exercises to help you work more in tune with your horse.
Distance equine communication, energy balancing, and healing also available.
Website: www.trishawren.com
Email: trisha@trishawren.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/trisha.wren.7

Verity Spargo
Riding Instructor
Ph: 0413 495 778
Based in the Hawkesbury area, NSW. Verity is an FEI level rider, who can provide Riding Instruction to people of all ages.
With her sound knowledge of Dressage Training, Horse Care and Management & time spent in the saddle training overseas, Verity loves to train riders of all ages and levels . Happy to travel in the Hawkesbury and surrounding areas for lessons and clinics!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/verityshinerspargo

Tana Subotic
Tana Subotic Equestrian Services
Ph: 0405 795 188
Based in Galston, NSW, Tana offers Riding Instruction and limited full care agistment. She regularly hosts Clinics at her property. Tana's experience in eventing combined with her skills in TTeam and Connected Riding give her a unique perspective when helping a variety of riders and horses.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TSES

Jenny Jones
Riding Instructor
Ph: 0431 196 584
Based in Bargo, NSW, Jenny is an experienced British Horse Society Intermediate Instructor with over 30 years experience. She is particularly good with riders who may have lost their confidence. She focuses on the horse as much as the rider. With a solid background in competition (dressage and eventing) and horsemanship, Jenny has a unique blend of skills to help any horse & rider.
Email: jenjones559.jj@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JenniferJones