W E L C O M E T O E L E M E N T A L S - we provide a range of natural therapies to keep your horse in optimum health.
Sydney, West to Nepean River, Penrith, Clarendon, Box Hill, Maraylya
North West Sydney, Glenorie, Dural, Arcadia, Galston, South, Helensburgh, Darkes Forest, South West Sydney, Bringelly, Badgery's Creek, Silverdale, Wollondilly Shire, Camden, Southern Highlands, South Coast to Kiama/Berry, Sydney NSW Australia
0419 003 530
The Tellington Method - Distant Learning (Practitioner)
Sun, 01 Mar
|Appin NSW 2560, Australia
An exciting opportunity to become a Tellington Method Practitioner for Horses
Time & Location
01 Mar 2020, 7:00 am
Appin NSW 2560, Australia
About the Event
The Tellington Method It encompasses observations, bodywork, ground exercises, body wrapping and ridden work for a holistic approach to improving posture, balance and proprioception. The techniques are easy to learn, practical, intuitive and hands on requiring a good sense of feel and to be truly skilled. However, an approximation of the technique will have a positive effect and this possibility makes it quite unique in the horse world.
For over 40 years, the Tellington Method has been taught in clinic situations. The Distant Learning Modules have been written to give a strong foundation in the Tellington work. It has been driven by need to provide alternative learning options for people who are unable to attend Clinics. It also forms part of the training required for those people who would like to be a Certified Practitioner, especially in areas where access to Clinics area limited. It was trialled in Australia in 2019 and two options are offered. Limited numbers will be taken for the Practitioner Option (only 10 people).
The Distant Learning Modules consist of: -
· Reading
· Study questions
· Exercises
· Videos
Articles and videos will be supplied as part of the program and you will also have free access to all the archived digital newsletters since 2007.
Practitioner Option
There are 1000’s of Practitioner in over 35 countries worldwide. It is possible to work through varying levels as a practitioner and the following link will provide more information on this. http://www.ttouch.com/horsePrac.shtml. To achieve Certification as a Practitioner you would traditionally need to attend at minimum of 5 x 6 Day clinics, achieve a competent skill level and submit 10 case studies. In Australia, this has been hard to achieve due to the lack of Clinics available with Robyn Hood only able to travel here once per year. In late 2018, an alternative path for Certification in Australia was agreed. This was successfully trialled in 2019 and it is now being rolled out to other remote areas in 2020.
To be considered for certification as a Tellington Practitioner you will need to complete: -
· 7 Distant Learning Modules
· 4 x 3 Day Workshops with Rebecca Booth (covering content in modules 1 to 7)
· Video assessment to be reviewed by Robyn Hood (Senior International Instructor).
· 10 Case Studies
· 2 x 4 Day Clinic Robyn Hood
The program is designed to be completed over 2 years and all requirements must be completed within 4 years.
The workshops follow a more structured format, specifically for Practitioners in Training as opposed to the free-flowing Clinics normally offered. If you have previously attended a Clinic or Workshop with Robyn Hood or another qualified person, it may a be classed as Recognised Prior Learning (RPL). Robyn will assess RPL on a case by case basis.
In addition to completing the above requirements you must be able to demonstrate a basic competency in skills and be able to guide a person one-on-one.
There is no marked written assessment, study questions and case studies will be reviewed, and feedback provided. Assessment of competency level will be observed during clinics/workshops and via video.